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You are being referred to Wealthfront Advisers LLC (“Wealthfront Advisers”) by Nerdwallet, Inc. (“Nerdwallet”). Wealthfront Advisers has engaged Nerdwallet to act as a solicitor and refer potential clients to Wealthfront Advisers via advertisements placed on Nerdwallet’s website. Nerdwallet and Wealthfront Advisers are not affiliated with one another and have no formal relationship outside this arrangement. Wealthfront Advisers has agreed to compensate Nerdwallet for its referral services, and under this agreement will pay Nerdwallet a cash fee when you open an account with Wealthfront Advisers after clicking through this page. You will not be charged anything in connection with this referral, and this arrangement will not affect the advisory fees you will pay to Wealthfront Advisers compared to other advisory clients of Wealthfront Advisers.
Additional information about Wealthfront Advisers may be found in its firm brochure located here. By clicking on the button on this page, you acknowledge receipt of the foregoing disclosure and the firm brochure accessible via the link in the preceding sentence.