Personal Finance
Find financial freedom
A budget is a plan for every dollar you have.

Understanding credit scores and reports

Understanding Your Credit Report In Australia
A credit report is a record of your credit history in Australia and is used to calculate your credit score. The included information helps lenders evaluate your creditworthiness.

How To Get Your Free Credit Score in Australia
You can view your credit score for free through one of Australia’s major credit agencies or a verified third-party provider.

What Is A Good Credit Score?
A good credit score varies by credit agency: 661+ for Equifax, 625+ for Experian, and 500+ for illion.

12 Questions About Credit Scores and Reports
Knowing how credit scores and reports work will help keep you on track to achieve your financial and lifestyle goals.
Making money

20 Ways To Make Money Online and Offline in Australia
Here are various ways to make money with a side hustle that suits your situation.

How to Make Passive Income
Passive income can offer breathing space when your finances are tight, but whether a cash stream is passive or not isn’t always clear-cut.

5 Things To Know Before Starting A Small Business
Before starting your own business, refine your long-term vision, register and apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN), and open a business bank account.

Types of Employment in Australia
Guide to rights and entitlements for different types of employment arrangements.
Managing money

7 Money Management Skills To Master ASAP
Set yourself on the path to financial freedom by developing these key money management skills.

Budgeting 101: How To Budget Money
Give all of your pennies a purpose by creating a budgeting plan that accounts for needs, wants, savings and more.

Guide to the 50/30/20 Budget
The 50/30/20 budget divides your income into needs, wants and savings, so you can reach your financial goals without sacrificing your joy.

Pay Yourself First: Reverse Budgeting Explained
With the pay-yourself-first budget, you put money towards savings goals like retirement before living expenses.
Spending and expenses

How to Lower Your Bills: 33 Ways to Save Money
Chances are, you can cut costs and keep some cash in your pocket by taking a closer look at your bills.

How to Save Money in Australia: 20 Ways to Cut Costs
Trying to boost your savings in Australia? Find out how to save on everyday expenses and lower your costs in the long run.

Tracking Monthly Expenses: The First Step to Money Success
When you start tracking expenses, you can separate your spending into three categories: needs, wants and savings.