If your take-home pay is, say, $6,000 a month, it may be hard to pay for housing, food, insurance, health care, debt repayment and have fun without running out of money. That’s a lot to cover with a limited amount, and this is a zero-sum game.
The answer is to make a budget.
What is a budget? A budget is a plan for every dollar you have. It’s not magic, but it represents more financial freedom and a life with much less stress. Here’s how to set up and then manage your budget.
Budgeting 101: How To Budget Money
Calculate your incomings and outgoings
First, figure out your after-tax income. This is the amount you earn after all necessary taxes are taken out. If you get a regular pay slip, the amount you receive is probably your after-tax income. But, if you have automatic deductions for a superannuation fund, savings account or insurance, add those back in to give yourself a true picture of what’s coming in each month.
If you have other types of income — perhaps you make money from a side gig — subtract anything that reduces it, such as taxes and business expenses, and then add the remainder to your after-tax income total.
In addition, familiarise yourself with your cash flow so you know how much you need coming in each month to cover your outgoings. Here’s how to get started.
- Check your account statements. This will give you an idea of how much money you have coming in and out of various accounts.
- Categorise your expenses. Categories could include rent, utilities and food, or discretionary spending on entertainment, beauty and so on. Knowing where your money goes will help you choose the best budgeting plan for your needs.
Choose a budgeting plan
A budget must cover all of your needs, some of your wants and — this is key — savings for emergencies and the future.
Budgeting plan examples include:
- The 50/30/20 budget, which divides your income into needs (50%), wants (30%) and savings or debt repayment (20%).
- The zero-based budget, where you allocate all of your money to expenses, savings and debt payments, so there is nothing left over at the end of the month — all of the incoming money is allocated for specific expenditures.
- The ‘pay yourself first’ method, or reverse budgeting, where some of your income immediately goes towards savings, retirement and other financial goals. Then, you use whatever funds remain for living expenses.
- The envelope system, where you use cash and envelopes to plan your spending each month — each envelope is marked with a spending category, and then filled with the cash budgeted for that expense. The goal is to stick to the amount in each envelope.
Track your progress
Record your spending and keep your tracking consistent. Monthly is a good start.
Use online budgeting and savings tools — such as apps like PocketSmith or Frollo — to help keep up with your tracking.
Automate your savings
An easy way to automate your savings is to set up direct debits from your everyday account to your savings account in regular intervals, like every payday. You might consider opening multiple savings accounts for specific purposes — like saving up for a holiday or big expense — and allocate money accordingly.
An accountability partner or online support group can help, too, like r/AusFinance on Reddit, so you can stay on track.
Practise budget management
Your income, expenses and priorities will change over time, so actively manage your money by revisiting your budget regularly, perhaps once a quarter.
As you manage your budget, try to identify room for change by asking yourself:
- Where are you spending too much money? Can you explore cheaper alternatives for the things you pay for now?
- Which expenses can you cut back on? For example, reduce the amount you spend on takeaway and food delivery, or rideshare services.
Budgeting and savings priorities
Priority No. 1 is a starter emergency fund
Experts may recommend you build up several months of bare-bones living expenses. However, we suggest you start with an emergency fund of at least $500 — enough to cover small emergencies and repairs — and build from there.
It’s hard to stick to a budget or get out of debt when you have unexpected costs that keep eating away at your savings. Having a financial cushion can help you stay on track.
» MORE: How to save money on a tight budget
Priority No. 2 is high-interest debt
Next, go after the high-interest debt in your life, such as credit card debt, personal and payday loans, title loans and rent-to-own payments.
Investigate options for debt relief, which can include debt consolidation, financial hardship or a debt agreement — these agreements allow you to negotiate a more manageable repayment plan with your creditor, such as lower rates or more time to pay it off.
» MORE: How to manage debt collectors
Priority No. 3 saving for retirement
Once you’ve knocked off any high-interest debt, the next task is to get yourself on track for retirement. The amount you should save depends on various factors like your age, when you plan to retire, whether you have a partner and your lifestyle expenses.
Use the Moneysmart retirement planner to get a rough estimate of how much you can earn based on your super fund contributions.
» MORE: 9 superannuation benefits to know
Priority No. 4 is, again, your emergency fund
Regular contributions can help you build up three to six months’ worth of living expenses. You shouldn’t expect steady progress because emergencies happen, but at least you’ll be able to manage them.
» MORE: Is a credit card ever the right choice for an emergency?
Priority No. 5 is debt repayment
These are payments beyond the minimum required to pay off your remaining debt.
If you’ve already paid off your high-interest debt, what’s left is probably lower-rate (such as your home loan). You should tackle these only after you’ve gotten your other financial ducks in a row.
Any wiggle room you have here comes from the money available for wants or from saving on your necessities, not your emergency fund and retirement savings.
» MORE: Can I negotiate my home loan interest rate?
Priority No. 6 is you
Congratulations! You’re in a great position. If you’ve built an emergency fund, paid off high-interest debt and are socking away money toward a retirement nest egg, you’ve built a habit of saving that gives you immense financial flexibility. Don’t give up now.
If you’ve reached this happy point, consider saving for irregular expenses that aren’t emergencies, such as a house deposit or your next car. Those expenses will come no matter what, and it’s better to save for them than borrow.
Frequently asked questions about budgeting
Start by determining your take-home (after-tax or net income, then take a pulse on your current spending. Finally, apply the 50/30/20 budget principles: 50% toward needs, 30% toward wants and 20% toward savings and debt repayment.
The key to keeping a budget is to track your spending on a regular basis so you can get an accurate picture of where your money is going and where you’d like it to go instead.
If you’re in the United States, read this article on the NerdWallet US site.

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