When you apply for a credit card or loan, the lender will want to assess your borrowing strength as a consumer and your trustworthiness to lenders. To do this, the lender will request to check your credit report and score to get a sense of your borrowing history. That credit check will later show up on your credit report as a ‘credit enquiry’, which can have an impact on your credit score.
What is a credit check?
A credit check, also called a credit enquiry, is a review of your credit history. There are two types of credit checks: soft checks, which you perform yourself, and hard checks, which lenders perform.
Soft vs hard credit check
- Soft credit checks, or soft enquiries, happen when you check your own credit and do not negatively impact your credit score or report. Instead, checking your credit score and credit report is a smart financial practice as it allows you to confirm the accuracy of your personal and account information. Just like you review your savings and investments, making regular credit checks is an important part of your financial health.
- Hard credit checks, or hard enquiries, are performed by lenders and require your consent. Hard enquiries are triggered when you apply for credit and become part of your credit report, which can affect your credit score.
Who has access to your credit report?
Your credit report contains sensitive financial information protected under the Privacy Act. As such your credit report is only accessible to the credit providers you’ve applied for credit. This can include banks, finance companies, lenders, mortgage insurers, mobile phone companies, and utility providers. The lender must submit a request for your credit profile.
Third-party access is against the law, which means no real estate agent, landlord, employer or insurance company can access your credit report.
🤓 Nerdy Tip: Make frequent soft credit enquiries
If you’re saving for a house, making a big purchase, or considering taking on some form of credit, it’s worth keeping track of your credit score. Check and report your credit score at least once a year to know your credit position. By taking this step before you apply for a loan, you’ll have time to improve your credit score if it’s low.
How does a hard enquiry affect your credit?
After a lender checks your credit report, a record of that hard enquiry will be listed in your credit file. This means it will be visible to anyone else who checks your credit in the future.
Lenders can see the number of credit applications you’ve made and the type of credit you sought. They will use that information and other details in your credit report to determine your creditworthiness.
It’s normal to have a few credit enquiries in your credit report, so their presence in your credit file won’t necessarily hurt your credit score. However, too many enquiries in a short span of time may suggest poor money management skills, so it’s best to limit the number (and frequency) of credit applications.
An exception to this guideline is pre-approval checks for home loans because someone seeking a home loan often needs to make multiple enquiries quickly. In contrast, frequently applying for credit cards and personal loans isn’t as necessary. Routine applications in these areas have a greater chance of negatively impacting your credit score.
How long do credit enquiries last on your credit report?
Hard enquiries stay on your report for five years, but they typically won’t impact your credit score that entire time.
Can you remove credit enquiries from your credit report?
You can’t remove any factually correct information from your credit report, so you’ll have to wait until five years before a hard enquiry falls off.
However, you can remove incorrect, erroneous or illegitimate details — like a credit enquiry made without your permission. You can do it yourself by submitting a request to the relevant credit reporting agency or by seeking help from a credit repair service.
How to avoid too many hard enquiries
You can’t always predict when you’ll need credit, but you can be strategic about how you interact with lenders.
- Limit the number (and frequency) of credit applications. Complete these applications sparingly and avoid applying for credit on impulse.
- Know your standing before applying for credit. It’s best to only apply for credit when you’re confident that you will likely be approved. To do this, familiarise yourself with eligibility requirements and check your credit score and report.
- Ensure your credit report is free from errors, such as mistakes or personal information that still needs to be updated. Contact the relevant credit provider if you identify any errors in the report. They’ll correct the personal information within 30 days. There’s no charge involved in this process.
- Weigh your options. Consider whether the credit you’re applying for is worth the potential ding to your credit score. If you have an excellent credit score, a few points may not be a big deal — especially if you aren’t seeking more credit again for a while. However, if you’re working on building up your credit, take the time to think twice.

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