Kate Ashford

Kate Ashford, CSA®

Lead Writer & Content Strategist  |  Medicare, retirement, personal finance
Kate Ashford is a writer, content strategist and NerdWallet authority on Medicare. She is a certified senior advisor (CSA)® and has more than 20 years of experience writing about personal finance. Previously, she was a freelance writer for both consumer and business publications, and her work has been published by the BBC, Forbes, Money, AARP, LearnVest and Parents, among others. She has a degree from the University of Virginia and a master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism. Kate has appeared as a Medicare expert on the PennyWise podcast by Lee Enterprises, and she's been quoted in national publications including Healthline, Real Simple and SingleCare. She is based in New York.
  • Education: B.A. in sociology from University of Virginia, M.S. in journalism from Northwestern University
  • Credentials: Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)®
  • Organizations: Association of Health Care Journalists
  • Previous experience: Money, Good Housekeeping, Forbes, BBC, Monster

Featured video

Medicare Basics: What You Should Know Before Enrolling
Medicare Basics: What You Should Know Before Enrolling

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Other publications

The Associated Press, MarketWatch, Apple News, MSN, Yahoo, Fidelity, SmartNews

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