Smart Money Podcast

In each episode, NerdWallet experts answer real-world financial questions, so you can work toward your goals faster and manage your money smarter.

Latest episodes

Financial Fitness for Big Moves: Achieving Your Goals without Sacrificing Security (Video Episode)

A certified financial planner offers a listener actionable advice to help him save for a big move while maintaining financial stability.

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Special Series: Holiday travel tips

Pack Smarter, Save More: Expert Tips for Efficient Travel Packing to Overcome Luggage Hassles

Get expert tips on how to pack for travel efficiently and effectively, including clever ways to save on baggage fees. Read more

How to Save Money on Holiday Travel Without Using Any Points

Learn expert tips and tricks for saving money on holiday travel booking, from the best time to book to when you should use rewards points. Read more

Book Smarter: Holiday Travel Tips for Stress-Free Trips

Get insider tips for stress-free holiday travel, from booking strategies to maximizing credit card points and more. Read more

Previous episodes

Refresh Your Fall Finances: A Money Check-Up and Investment Diversification Deep Dive

Get fall-ready with budgeting tips and strategies for diversifying your investment portfolio to achieve financial goals. Read more

How to Save Money on Holiday Travel Without Using Any Points

Learn expert tips and tricks for saving money on holiday travel booking, from the best time to book to when you should use rewards points. Read more

Financial Fitness for Big Moves: Achieving Your Goals without Sacrificing Security (Video Episode)

A certified financial planner offers a listener actionable advice to help him save for a big move while maintaining financial stability. Read more

Book Smarter: Holiday Travel Tips for Stress-Free Trips

Get insider tips for stress-free holiday travel, from booking strategies to maximizing credit card points and more. Read more

Balance Traditions and Wealth-Building with ‘Culturally Competent’ Tips from Jannese Torres

Understand how first-gen Americans can achieve financial success with tips for balancing cultural obligations and wealth-building strategies. Read more

Reduce Financial Anxiety Now: Actionable Tips from a Live Planning Session (Video Episode)

A certified financial planner helps a listener turn financial anxiety into actionable steps for budgeting, investing, and achieving financial peace of mind. Read More.

Prepare for Your Pet’s End-of-Life Care: Balancing Love, Costs and Comfort

Learn how to make compassionate, informed decisions for your pet's end-of-life care, balancing costs, emotions, and love. Read more

How to Weigh Career Moves for Financial and Lifestyle Gains

Learn how you could save money by caring less about what other people think and how to weigh the pros and cons of a job offer. Read more

Planning for Pet Emergencies: Vet Budgeting Tips to Avoid Financial Stress

Learn how to financially prepare for the costs of pet emergencies with firsthand experiences from pet owners and experts. Read more

Expert Budgeting and Spending Tips from a Financial Planning Session (Video)

Hear an actual financial planning session where a CFP advises a listener on transforming her budget and spending habits. Read more

Budget-Friendly Pet Care: Demystifying Pet Insurance and Hidden Costs

Learn how you can balance the joy and financial responsibility of having a pet without having to compromise either of them. Read more

Overcome Rising Veterinary Costs: Affordable Pet-Care Tips

Learn how you can balance the joy and financial responsibility of having a pet without having to compromise either of them. Read more