Find the right financial product for you, without all the work

Our Nerds researched and reviewed top credit cards, auto insurance,
and personal loans — so you don’t have to.
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Credit Cards
The right credit card for you is waiting. Get matched in minutes.
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Auto Insurance
Lower auto insurance rates? Get matched with a provider in your area.
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Personal Loans
The right loan for you? Get matched in a few simple steps.

Why turn to the Nerds?
They’ve done the work for you.
The credit card Nerds have spent over 3,600 hours researching and reviewing 400+ credit cards, so you can find the right card for your spending.
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The insurance Nerds have spent over 2,950 hours researching and reviewing 175+ insurance products, so you can find the right provider for you. 
The personal loan Nerds have spent over 1,500 hours researching and reviewing 65+ loan products, so you can find the right lender for your needs.
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