Rewards credit cards come in two main varieties: cash-back cards and travel cards. Cash-back cards pay you back a percentage of the amount of each transaction. Travel rewards credit cards give you points or miles for each dollar you spend; you redeem those rewards for free flights, hotel stays and more. No single rewards credit card is right for everyone. It`s all about how you spend money and what kind of rewards you value. Check out our Nerd-reviewed picks below and apply today to start earning in no time.
Show summary
Citi Strata Premier℠ Card: Best for Big Rewards Across Top Spending Categories
Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card: Best for Easy Earnings, Effortless Redemptions
Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card: Best for Cash back — high flat rate + incentives
Chase Freedom Unlimited®: Best for Cash-Back Pairing with Chase Sapphire Preferred®
Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card: Best for Airline Miles and a Large Bonus
Blue Cash Preferred® Card from American Express: Best for The Ultimate Family Card
What type of rewards card is right for you?