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New Driver Car Insurance

Car insurance quotes for new drivers can be expensive, but it is possible to bring the cost of first time insurance down. Picking the right car and comparing insurers can both help in the search for cheap new driver insurance.

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Finding cheap car insurance as a new driver isn’t easy. A lack of experience behind the wheel means insurance companies think new drivers are more likely to make a claim. In turn, this means premiums are usually higher if you’re taking out car insurance for the first time. Crucially, however, there are ways you can try to bring the cost of new driver insurance down. Read on to learn more. 

What is new driver insurance?

New driver insurance refers to the car insurance you take out just after you’ve passed your driving test. That’s why it’s sometimes also called first time car insurance, or young driver insurance

In truth, the policies and cover options available to new drivers are the same as those available to more experienced drivers. The difference is that car insurance for new drivers usually costs more. 

How much is insurance for a new driver? 

On average, the cost of car insurance for drivers aged 17 to 24 is around £1,986 a year, according to data from insurance broker Quotezone for December 2024. By comparison, the annual price of cover for drivers aged 35 to 44 is almost £1,200 cheaper, at around £797 a year.

How much you actually pay will depend on several factors, including your car, the type of cover you choose, and where you live. 

Why is insurance so expensive for new drivers?

New drivers tend to pay more for car insurance because statistics show they are more likely to be involved in an accident. Higher premiums are usually charged for first time car insurance to reflect the increased likelihood that a new driver will claim on their policy. 

» MORE: Why is car insurance so expensive?

What is the best car insurance for new drivers?

A good insurance for new drivers is the one which best suits your circumstances, and what you are looking for from your cover. As with other drivers, new drivers can choose between three main levels of insurance cover. 

The finer details of the protection offered under each type can differ slightly between insurers, so always check the small-print before you buy. 

Fully comprehensive

Choosing comprehensive car insurance means you’ll be protected if your car is damaged or lost due to an accident, vandalism, fire or theft. The cost of repairing or replacing your car is usually covered, as are medical costs if you or any passenger in your car is injured. So-called “fully comp” policies also covers the cost if someone else’s car or property is damaged, as well as their medical costs.

Third party

The minimum level of cover you must have to drive in the UK is third party insurance. This provides cover against damage to someone else’s vehicle or property, and any injuries they may have. However, it doesn’t cover your car, your injuries, or against theft. It’s easy to assume this will make third party insurance the cheapest cover you can buy. However, this isn’t necessarily the case, so check the cost of comprehensive cover too. 

Third party, fire and theft

As the name suggests, this type of policy provides similar protection to third party cover, but with the added benefit of protecting your car against fire damage or if it’s stolen.  

How to get cheaper car insurance as a new driver 

Some of the things that could help as you search for cheap new driver insurance include: 

Shopping around

It’s important to shop around and compare car insurance quotes whether you’re a new driver or not.

Opting for a cheaper car 

Lower value cars tend to cost less to insure. Every car sits within a car insurance group – the lowest of the low insurance cars for new drivers sit within group one, while cover costs most for cars in group 50. So finding a make and model from a lower group will usually mean cheaper premiums. 

Pay upfront, not every month

Paying for your insurance annually, upfront in one go, is always cheaper than making monthly payments, which include interest.  

Watch your mileage 

The more time you spend behind the wheel, the higher the cost of cover tends to be. Insurers ask you for an estimate of how many miles you expect to drive when taking a policy out, so think carefully. 

Can you get temporary insurance for new drivers? 

Yes, temporary car insurance is available to new drivers and could be worth considering if you’ll only drive occasionally. If you only need cover for a short period, temporary insurance could save you money compared with paying for cover for an entire year. However, a standard annual policy is likely to work out cheaper overall if you end up taking out several temporary policies in a year.  

Increase your excess

The more you agree to pay towards a claim yourself, the cheaper your premiums will usually be. Just be sure you can afford the amount you set as an excess if it needed to be paid.  

‘Black box’ insurance policies

With black box car insurance, a small device in your car, or perhaps an app on your phone, monitors how and when you drive, and shares this information with your insurer. If you’re judged to have good driving habits, and be a careful driver, your premiums could go down. 

Add an experienced named driver

Adding a more experienced driver, such as a parent, to your policy as a named driver could help reduce the cost of your insurance.    

Can I add a new driver to my car insurance?

It is usually possible to add a new driver to your own car insurance as a named driver, but check with your insurer. It’s also likely your premium will increase. As a named driver, it’s important they are not the main user of the car. If they are, you could be accused of ‘fronting’. As a parent, this may be tempting to lower premiums for children. However, it is illegal, and your policy may be cancelled or voided if you’re found out. Insurers may also refuse to pay out on a claim, and you could face criminal proceedings.  

Choose add-ons carefully

Insurers may offer optional extras such as personal belongings cover or key cover when you set up a policy, but they’ll add to your premium. Consider carefully whether you really need any of these add-ons, and weigh up if it’s worth the extra expense. For things such as breakdown cover, check if a separate policy is cheaper. 

Consider multi cover 

If you have your own car as a new driver, and there’s other cars in your household, multi car insurance, which covers multiple vehicles under one policy, could prove a cheaper option. 

» MORE: Tips on how to get cheap car insurance 

How to get insurance quotes for new drivers 

The simplest way to get insurance quotes as a new driver is online. Share your details once to get offers from various insurers in double-quick time. Another option is to go on different insurer’s sites, or call them individually, but you’ll need to go through everything multiple times. 

To get a car insurance quote, be ready with:

» MORE: Compare car insurance

Looking for a particular type of car insurance?

Not all drivers are the same. Whether you’re new behind the wheel, looking for short-term cover, or want something else, you can explore the different car insurance options below.

Car Insurance to Suit YouStar Icon

Car Insurance to Suit You

Finding the right type of car insurance for you is a must. Just as important is shopping around and comparing quotes to save where you can.

New driver insurance FAQs

Do new drivers need insurance? 

Yes, new drivers are legally required to have car insurance, as is anyone who wants to drive on a UK road. The minimum level of cover needed is third party. 

What is the best car insurance for first time drivers? 

Fully comprehensive car insurance is often considered the best option for new drivers, as it offers the highest level of protection for you and your car. 

What are the cheapest cars to insure for new drivers? 

Hyundai i10, Kia Picanto, Skoda Fabia, and Volkswagen Polo are all among the cheapest cars for new drivers to insure, according to the RAC. As a general rule of thumb, cover is cheaper on older, smaller cars which have lower running costs. 

What is the best insurance group for new drivers? 

Cars in insurance groups one to 10 usually offer the cheapest premiums for new drivers looking to keep insurance costs down, with group one cars tending to have the lowest premiums overall.  

Who has the cheapest car insurance for new drivers? 

No single insurer will have the cheapest insurance for every new driver. That’s why it’s essential to shop around and compare quotes.  

Can you get van insurance for new drivers? 

Yes, new drivers can get van insurance, though there may be a minimum age limit on some policies. 

Image source: Getty Images

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