Laura Whateley
Laura is a journalist and author, writing about money since 2008. Including writing for The Times for 9 years. She believes finance doesn't need to be complicated. Author of Money: a user's guide.
The latest from Laura
What Credit Score Do I Need For a Loan?
Your credit score is important for lots of reasons, not least because it can help lenders decide whether to approve your loan application. When it comes to the credit score…
Loans for Fair Credit: What You Need to Know
If you have a fair or average credit score, you can still access a range of loans and credit options. However, you may find you face higher interest rates than…
What is Debt and Does it Affect You?
Debt is created when you borrow money from a business or person. You’ll usually have to repay the money you owe plus interest to the lender. Having debt isn’t always…
Student Maintenance Loans: What to Know
A student maintenance loan can help you pay your living expenses while you study.
Credit Builder Loans: Are They Worth It?
A credit builder loan helps those with poor credit scores or limited credit history to demonstrate creditworthiness. Borrowers agree to fixed monthly payments, which helps build up their score as…
Student Loans: What You Need to Know
There are two main types of loan, and you repay yours only when you stop studying and only when you earn above a certain salary threshold.
Estate Planning: What to Consider
Estate planning helps you to arrange how to leave your money, property and possessions to your loved ones when you die. From writing a will to minimising inheritance tax, here…
Understanding the Main Types of Debt
Understanding the main types of debt can help you find the best way to borrow and make repayments. Read on to find out how each type of debt works and…
What Is a Beneficiary and Who Can Be One?
A beneficiary is someone, or several people, who you want to leave your financial and physical assets to when you die. Learn more about beneficiaries and how they are different…
What You Need to Know About Power of Attorney
Power of attorney gives legal permission for another person to make decisions about your finances or health if one day you can’t. Learn how it works, and how to produce…
What it Means to Declare Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a legal tool to resolve overwhelming debt. When you declare bankruptcy, the court will use your assets to help clear the debt you owe on your behalf, ending…