Nic Redfern
Finance Director
Nic Redfern is Finance Director at NerdWallet and an accomplished business and finance strategist with over 26 years' experience. Nic has been instrumental in the growth of several regional and global companies. At the highest level, Nic played a leading role in growing Optimise Media Group from a £2 million turnover entity to a £50 million global enterprise. He also helped lead the roll out of Virgin Money's Credit Card in the UK and the launch of Virgin Money in Australia. A regular media commentator, Nic's views have been widely published in media titles such as the iNews, FT Advisor, Daily Express, Daily Mail, Smallbusiness.co.uk, UKTN, Computer Weekly, Business Leader and Finance Monthly.
Nic's picks
Sole Trader vs Limited Company: Which is the Right Choice?
The legal status you choose for your business has major implications for tax, earnings and even survivability. Should you be a sole trader or a limited company – and how…
The latest from Nic
Can I Use A Personal Loan to Start A Business?
Business loans can be great cash injections and can provide the seed capital needed to grow your business. However, they are not always easy to obtain, especially compared to personal…
Sole Trader vs Limited Company: Which is the Right Choice?
The legal status you choose for your business has major implications for tax, earnings and even survivability. Should you be a sole trader or a limited company – and how…
How to Write a Business Plan in 8 Simple Steps
Whether you’re looking to attract investors or provide direction, every business can benefit from a plan. But where should you start? Read on for our guide on how to write…
How to create a business energy audit
Reducing your energy wastage can save your business a considerable amount of money. In this article we take you through creating a structured energy audit to see where you can…
What is Asset Finance and How Does It Work?
Asset financing could help your business cover the cost of buying or hiring essential equipment. Here, we explain how asset financing works so you can consider the advantages, disadvantages and…
Bounce Back Loan Scheme: How to Repay
The Bounce Back Loan Scheme was set up by the government to help businesses get financial support during the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s now closed, but you can find out more…
How to Register a Company Name
If you’re considering starting your own business, you’ll need to choose a company name when you set up a limited company. Below, we look at how to decide on a…
The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business as a Student Entrepreneur
Many ambitious students will ask the question of whether you can start a business at university. The answer is a resounding yes. More than one in four, 26% of students…
How to Grow Your Small Business Online: Easy (and Free) Ways
An online presence is essential for the success of your business. And with free marketing tools, social media savvy and high-quality design, you don’t have to break the bank in…
How Do I Value My Online Business?
Putting a value on any business can be challenging but online businesses will require some added thought when it comes to accurately evaluating market worth. We’ve outlined how you can…
What Insurance Do I Need for Courier Work?
To operate as a courier, you may need to take out certain types of insurance, depending on the services you provide. Is your courier business fully covered?