Rebecca Goodman
Rebecca Goodman is a freelance journalist who has spent the past 10 years working across personal finance publications. Regularly writing for The Guardian, The Sun, The Telegraph, and The Independent.
The latest from Rebecca
How to Refinance a Personal Loan
By choosing to refinance a personal loan, you could lower your interest payments and the length of the loan.
Is Car Finance Worth It?
Car finance is a popular way to pay for a new motor, but how do you decide if it is the right decision for you? We look at some points…
How fixed interest rate borrowing works
A fixed interest rate is an interest rate that doesn’t change, making payments predictable.
Can I get car finance with a CCJ?
If you have a CCJ, car finance will be harder to find. However, lenders will look at your overall affordability, not just your credit score, and there are specialist options…
Can I get car finance with an IVA?
An IVA affects your credit score, so it can make it more difficult to get approved for car finance. Find out what impact an IVA could have on your car…
Should I Lease or Buy a Car?
Leasing a car can be a flexible way to drive a car and upgrade to different models every few years. However, you won’t ever be the owner of the car,…
Using a Tax Adviser or Accountant For Your Tax Return
A tax adviser or accountant can file your tax return for you, taking a lot of stress out of the process, but using them can come at a price. Learn…
Can I get car finance on benefits?
If you’re receiving benefits, this shouldn’t mean you’re not able to access car finance. Lenders will look at your overall income and individual situation to decide whether you can afford…
How to reclaim a guarantor loan
You may be due a guarantor loan refund if you were approved for one and a provider didn’t check your finances properly.
Leaving a Job or Starting a New One? Make Sure You Understand the P45 Form
When you leave a job you will be given a P45 form which shows how much you have earned and how much tax and national insurance you have paid.
Self-Assessment Tax Return: Who Has to Complete One?
Self-employed workers, or those with additional income streams, must pay income tax by filing a self-assessment tax return. We explain what self-assessment is, who should pay tax this way, and…
What Self-Employed Taxpayers Should Know About the SA100 Self-Assessment Tax Form
The SA100 form is filled in by those who are self-employed or have more complex finances and need to report their income to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and calculate…
Faster Payments: What You Need To Know
The faster payments service speeds up the process of transferring money from one account to another, so it can be available in another bank account in a few hours.
CHAPS Payments: How They Work
CHAPS is the UK payment system used for transferring large sums of money which are cleared on the same day. We explain how it works and when to use the…
What is a Bacs Payment?
A Bacs payment, also known as Bankers Automated Clearing Services, is one of the most well-known types of bank transfer in the UK.