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Makeup Artist Insurance

Insurance can be confusing and finding the right policies to protect your business is a real challenge. Makeup artists can benefit from a wide variety of different policies, including public liability, treatment risk and tools insurance. Find out more with NerdWallet’s full guide.

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You might be getting a bride ready for their big day or an actor ready for their big break. It’s all in a day’s work for a makeup artist. Your clients trust in your skill and artistry to make them look exceptional when it really matters. 

But all it takes is a model having a bad reaction to the eyeshadow you’ve supplied, or for you to stain an actor’s dress with lipstick, for your career and reputation to be in serious peril. 

One way to protect yourself from the financial consequences of these disasters is to take out makeup artist insurance. It might not prevent the worst from happening, but it could help cover the legal or compensation costs if it does. 

Find out which types of cover you should take out, how much it will cost, and how to find the right policy. 

What is makeup artist insurance?

Makeup artist insurance is not one policy, but rather a selection of policies that can provide some financial protection against any mishaps that might occur while applying makeup professionally.

Public liability insurance can provide financial support if your client is injured, becomes ill, dies, or if their property is damaged or lost as a direct result of your work. For example, if a member of the public were to trip over your makeup bags, or you dropped foundation on their carpet, public liability insurance can cover your legal and compensation costs. 

You might also want to consider treatment risk insurance, which provides specialist cover for claims arising from accidents and incidents caused by your professional beauty services. For example, if a client has an allergic reaction to a lotion you apply to their face. In the event of a claim being made against you, treatment risk insurance could help to cover legal and compensation costs.

Product liability, on the other hand, can cover you if you supply a defective product to a client that causes an injury (but not if you are at fault for applying the product incorrectly).

You might also consider tools insurance to cover the cost of replacing or repairing specialist equipment, such as your makeup brushes. Additionally, you should think about stock insurance to help protect your products and materials from loss, theft and damage.

Finally, you might want to protect yourself with personal accident insurance. Payment from this type of policy can help cover some of the lost income and medical costs if you become ill or injured and are unable to work. It can also provide compensation to your beneficiaries in the event of your death. 

» MORE: How to start a beauty business

Do I need makeup artist insurance?

It might seem low risk compared to more obviously dangerous professions, but things can and do go wrong when applying makeup. When they do, if you don’t have the necessary cover, you could end up paying large sums to defend yourself, not to mention the compensation you may have to pay if a claim brought against you is successful. That’s why it’s worth considering a makeup insurance policy. 

Additionally, if you employ other makeup artists or staff who are not members of your own family, you’re legally required to have employers’ liability insurance to cover for any illness, injury or property damage they might experience. 

What does makeup artist insurance cover?

Makeup artists insurance is not one policy, but rather a selection of insurance products that can cover a range of situations. 

It usually includes the following:

  • public liability insurance
  • professional treatment risk insurance
  • product liability insurance
  • tools insurance
  • stock insurance
  • personal accident insurance 

What your makeup artist insurance covers will depend on which policies you choose to include. Most insurance providers will allow you to pick and choose those most relevant to you.

What treatments are covered by makeup artist insurance?

It varies from provider to provider, but as standard, you can expect makeup artist insurance to cover the application of makeup in all scenarios, as well as the following treatments: 

  • makeup application
  • eyebrow treatments, such as plucking, shaping, and threading
  • eyelash treatments, such as curling, perming, and tinting 
  • temporary face and body painting

What isn’t usually covered by makeup artist insurance?

One thing you should check with your insurance provider is whether your policy covers you for all the services you provide. 

For example, semi-permanent procedures, such as microblading and eyelash extensions, or beauty treatments, such as waxing or manicures, may need additional cover. If you don’t have the correct cover, your insurer won’t pay out in the event of a claim. 

You should also check whether your policy will cover you if you’re self-taught, or only if you have a particular level of qualification or experience. 

How much does makeup artists insurance cost?

The main factors that will affect the cost of your insurance are your level of experience, your claims history, the types and levels of cover you include, and whether you require any add-ons or extras. 

For example, cover for treatments such as hair removal and manicures are often premium add-ons, which will increase your monthly cost. 

» COMPARE: Business insurance

Makeup Artist Insurance FAQs

What insurance does a makeup artist need?

A makeup artist should think about including public liability, professional treatment risk, product liability, tools and equipment cover and stock insurance to their policy. 

Additionally, makeup artists will need employers’ liability if they employ anyone in the UK who is not a close family member. If you fail to do so, you could be fined £2,500 a day until proper insurance is in place.

Do you have to be insured to do makeup?

There is no legal obligation to be insured to practise as a makeup artist, but you risk facing legal costs if someone holds you liable for injury or property damage, and compensation costs if they’re successful.  

What is public liability insurance for makeup artists?

Public liability insurance for makeup artists provides financial protection against claims that your business activity leads to the accidental injury or death of a member of the public, which includes your clients, as well as damage to or loss of their property.

Can you be a makeup artist without qualifications?

Yes, you can practise as a makeup artist without qualifications. However, not all providers will insure self-taught makeup artists.

Image source: Getty Images

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