Table of Contents
- What is young drivers’ insurance?
- How much does car insurance cost for young drivers?
- Why is car insurance so expensive for young drivers?
- What is the best car insurance for young drivers?
- How to make car insurance cheaper for young drivers
- What are the cheapest cars to insure for young drivers?
- How to compare young drivers’ insurance
- Young driver insurance FAQs
Finding cheap car insurance for young drivers can be difficult. Since younger drivers are relatively inexperienced behind the wheel, insurers consider them to be risky to insure. This means young driver insurance will almost always be expensive, though there are steps you can take to try and keep costs down.
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What is young drivers’ insurance?
Young driver insurance usually refers to car insurance taken out by drivers under the age of 25. While the policies and cover are similar to those available to other drivers, the major difference is that car insurance for younger drivers tends to cost more.
How much does car insurance cost for young drivers?
The average cost of car insurance for young drivers aged 17 to 24 is £1,986 a year, according to Quotezone data for December 2024. This is almost two-and-a-half times more expensive – or £1,200 a year higher – than the annual price of cover for drivers aged 35 to 44.
Why is car insurance so expensive for young drivers?
Car insurance tends to be higher for young drivers because data shows they are more likely to have an accident than older motorists. This leads insurers to charge more for young persons’ car insurance, to reflect the greater risk that a younger driver will need to claim on their policy.
» MORE: Why is car insurance so expensive?
What is the best car insurance for young drivers?
Young drivers have the choice between three main levels of car insurance. Which is right for you depends on your situation, wants and needs. The exact level of protection offered by each type of cover can vary slightly between insurers, so it’s important to check the details of a policy before buying.
Fully comprehensive
Taking out comprehensive car insurance provides cover if your car is damaged or lost due to an accident, vandalism, fire or theft. The cost of repairing or replacing your car is normally covered, as are any medical costs that may arise if you or your passengers are injured. A “fully comp” policy also covers costs if there’s damage to someone else’s car or property, along with their medical costs.
Third party
Choosing third party car insurance provides cover against damage to other people’s cars or property, and any injuries they may have. However, it doesn’t cover your car, your injuries, or against theft. While third party is the lowest level of cover you can buy, it isn’t always the cheapest option. Always check the cost of comprehensive cover too.
Third party, fire and theft
This provides a similar level of protection as third party cover, but includes the added benefits of protecting your car against fire damage or if it’s stolen.
How to make car insurance cheaper for young drivers
Some of the best ways to save on young persons’ car insurance include:
Choose a cheaper car
The more a car is worth and costs to repair, the more you can expect to pay for insurance. Every car has a car insurance group. Cars that are ‘group one’ are usually the cheapest to insure, those that are group 50 are the most expensive. Researching insurance costs for different car makes and models before buying can help lower your premiums.
Increase your excess
The more you’re willing to pay to the insurer as an excess if you need to make a claim, the lower you can usually expect your premiums to be. Just be sure you can cover what needs to be paid if an incident occurs.
Shopping around
A vital step in finding the cheapest young driver insurance, or any car insurance, is to shop around and compare car insurance quotes from as many insurers as possible. This applies if you’re arranging cover for the first time or you already have a policy that is up for renewal. Never auto renew without checking for cheaper deals elsewhere.
Drive carefully
Your no-claims discount (NCD) will build up if you’re not involved in any accidents, and don’t make any claims. Going one year without a claim could deliver as much as a 30% discount. Keeping to the speed limit will also help avoid penalty points on your licence, which can increase the cost of cover.
Add a more experienced named driver
Adding an older named driver, such as a parent, to a young person’s policy may help bring the cost of insurance down, due to their greater driving experience.
Can I put a young driver on my insurance?
Yes, you can add a young driver to your own car insurance as a named driver, but your premium will probably rise. As a named driver, they shouldn’t be the main user of the car. If they use the car most of the time, and you’ve simply added them to your policy, this is known as ‘fronting’. Some parents may be tempted by fronting to bring the cost of car insurance down for their children, but it is fraudulent and illegal. Your policy could be voided or cancelled, and the insurer can refuse to pay out on any claim. Getting cover is also likely to be more expensive going forward, while you could also face criminal proceedings.
Pay annually, not monthly
If you can afford to pay for your cover annually, upfront in one go, it is always cheaper than paying in monthly instalments, which includes added interest.
Optional extras
Insurers like to offer you a wide range of optional add-ons when you take out insurance, but they cost extra. So think carefully about what you really need, and always check whether it’s cheaper to buy something like breakdown cover as a standalone policy.
Keep miles to a minimum
You’ll be asked how many miles you expect to drive in a year when taking insurance out. The more time you spend on the road, the more expensive your insurance is likely to be, so estimate carefully. If you’re rarely behind the wheel, take a look at pay-as-you-go cover, where there’s no set annual or monthly premium, and you only pay for the miles you drive.
Can you get temporary car insurance for young drivers?
Yes, temporary car insurance may be worth considering if a young driver needs short-term cover, or only plans to drive occasionally. For example, if you’re a student using a car during the holidays, if you are test driving a new car, or if you plan to borrow or drive someone else’s car. Temporary cover is likely to work out cheaper than paying for a policy for a whole year if you only need it for a short while. However, standard annual cover is likely to cost less overall if you end up taking out several temporary policies in a year.
‘Black box’ insurance
With black box insurance, your driving habits are monitored by a device installed in your car and fed back to your insurer. If you’re considered a safe and sensible driver, or only drive a few miles at certain times of the day, the cost of your cover could go down.
Check multi cover options
If there is more than one car in your household, some insurers offer multi car insurance if you insure multiple vehicles under one policy.
Don’t modify
Modifications that significantly increase the value of your car or make it more attractive to thieves could lead to higher premiums. One exception may be an upgrade to your vehicle’s security, which may result in cheaper cover.
» MORE: More tips on how to get cheap car insurance
What are the cheapest cars to insure for young drivers?
Some of the cheapest cars for young drivers to insure include a Hyundai i10, Volkswagen Polo, Skoda Fabia and Kia Picanto, according to the RAC. Generally, insurance costs are lower on smaller, older cars which are cheaper to run. All cars are allocated a car insurance group depending on their value. Group one cars tend to be of the lowest value and have the cheapest car insurance premiums, with a sliding scale operating all the way up to group 50, where values and premiums are highest.
» MORE: Check our car insurance groups list & costs
Are electric cars cheaper to insure for young drivers?
Electric cars often cost more to insure because they tend to be more expensive to buy and may require specialist parts for repairs.
How to compare young drivers’ insurance
The easiest way to compare young driver insurance policies is online. You’ll enter your details once and quotes from a number of insurers will be with you in no time. Alternatively, you could call different insurers for quotes, or go on their individual websites, but you’ll need to share your details with each one separately.
To get a car insurance quote, be ready with:
- Your car registration, or the make, model and how old it is, and a rough idea of what it’s worth.
- Information about how you use your car, including where it’s parked and your typical mileage.
- Personal details about you, including how long you’ve held a driving licence, no claims discount, and any motoring accidents or penalty points. The same will be needed for any additional drivers you may want to add to the policy.
- The type of cover you want, the excess you’re willing to pay, and the policy start date.
» MORE: Compare car insurance
Young driver insurance FAQs
No single insurer will have the cheapest insurance for every young driver. That’s why it’s important to shop around.
The excess you’re allowed as a young driver will depend on the insurer. There is normally a compulsory excess that is always applied, and then a voluntary excess, which you get to choose, and is payable on top.
The cheapest cars to insure for a 17-year-old often include a Fiat 500, Ford KA, Toyota Aygo, and a Renault Clio, according to Admiral. However, how much any young driver pays for insurance can vary between cars and insurers.
If you’re a young driver looking to keep the cost of car insurance down, cover tends to be cheapest for cars in the lowest insurance groups, starting at group one.
Yes, learner drivers need insurance before getting behind the wheel. You can get learner driver insurance, or provisional licence insurance, for practising in your own car, or someone else’s car. Professional driving instructors or schools are likely to have their own insurance covering those they teach, but it’s always best to check.
» MORE: Learner driver insurance
Yes, it is possible to get van insurance for young drivers, though some insurers may set a minimum age limit.
It’s unlikely that classic car insurance will be cheaper for young drivers compared with more experienced drivers. Younger drivers will usually have to pay more than more experienced drivers for any type of car insurance.
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